Sunday, July 26, 2009

Week 4 -- expertise on the web

How do you judge the value of expertise on the Web? Does it differ from your notion of expertise in face-to-face settings? Why or why not?

Expertise is a ticklish concept -- for me, it's content, presentation, grammar, references -- whether face-to-face or on the web. Face-to-face is more visual -- look 'em in the eyes -- and more physical -- firm handshake. But web has its equivalence -- still looking for strong content with good presentation.

Expertise is revealed through knowing a subject well and having a reservoir of knowledge beyond the presentation. This depth facilitates question and answer periods and enables presenter to cite additional sources for further study.


  1. Yes, there are countless decisions to be made from very small ones such as font, to more important ones such as content. It is quite a bit to do and frustrating when you try something and it doesn't work out. You'll get it!

  2. Thanks, Christie. I appreciate your support and your friendship. It's been a tough week.
