Friday, August 7, 2009

Week 6 -- end of the course -- or just the beginning?

Reflect on what you have learned in the class and how you will use it professionally as both a lifelong learner and an instructional systems professional (or whatever field you’re in).

Well, here we are in the final throes of EME 6635 Web 2.0. Is the end, or just the beginning. Lots of pithy quotes are swirling: "For it must end as it began, and then start again" (Uriah Heep); "Today is the first day of the rest of your life, (start it write with Total) [ad jingle]; "Death is birth is fear and dread of some terrible renewal" (Hermann Hesse, Demian).

One more, "More responsibility, fewer excuses."

I am hoping to archive the posts, blogs, and projects from this course from the buffet meal that I have only meagerly tasted. I am hoping to sample incrementally over time and thoroughly digest the offerings.

I plan to incorporate tools into my daily walk and over time incorporate more and more into my courses and training. I plan to nurture relationship seeds planted in this course and hope to enjoy the bounty of community using tools developed here.

Thank you to all who assisted me in this journey. I look to many shared paths ahead.

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